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Brushing your Teeth

1.Some people have the habit of brushing in front of the mirror. sometimes they can't brush without seeing in the mirror.
2.Some have the habit of thinking something else while brushing.
3.Some people apart from brushing in front of the mirror they will be much concentrating on face, body and something else.
4.Some have the habit of tap opening while brushing.
5.Some people do their regular works along with brushing.
6.Some people mostly girls will be choosing pink tinted colors.
7.Mostly kids will not be interested in brushing. 
8.Some kids will be prone to eating of paste as it tastes sweet.
9.Kids will have the habit of biting of brushes.
10.Some people like jell type of pastes than something else.
11.Some have the habit of using neem sticks instead of brushes.
12.Some people like to use tooth powders instead of sticks and brushes.
1.Most of the people don't like to do brushing because it should be compulsory on every day. 
2.Some don't use tongue cleaners along with brushing.
3.Even sometimes whoever is using tongue cleaner with tooth brush they also forget because in hurry mood or they would not bring it with brush?
4.Paste should be in optimum quantity. But some people use paste much more than the optimum quantity so with effect of that they will be getting more foam and even it comes out of the mouth and continues up to the hand along with brush.
5.Even many adult people also don't know the brushing process. With that mere knowledge they teaching their children’s.
6.Some have the psychological feeling of hard bristles can clean their teeth more neatly and efficiently. But some other think that soft bristles are best and they do not cause any damage to teeth and gums.
7.Some have the habit of opening the tap continuously until they finish off their brushing even they do not use the water.
8.Some have the habit of brushing for longer time. So they are prone to half cleaned teeth. they will be getting bad smell with in short period.
Identify the problem:
·         Brushing of teeth may cause several inconveniences
·         During traveling sometimes we do not have enough facilities to do brushing.
·         In traveling sometimes we will not feel free to brush in front of many people.
·         And moreover carrying of everything like paste, brush, tongue cleaner along with us.
·         In traveling brush will not be dry. So wet brush only we have to carry.
·         Many kids are prone to eat the toothpaste instead of brushing they will swallow it.
·         Some times while brushing the foam comes out of the mouth.
·         Many children will chew the brush during brushing.
·         Some people use tooth powders they have to carry the powder in another hand during brushing.
·         Using of toothbrush and tongue cleaner separately.
Brushing your Teeth


Brushing your Teeth

What Is the Right Way to Brush? What Type of Toothbrush Should I Use? How Important the Brushing is? How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?
